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Victoria Ramos

VoHF and Purple Power

Here at VoHF, we love cultivating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Today, I will be focusing on our beautiful and healthy purple veggies. We're very blessed that our soil produces the most amazing and juicy Cherokee purple tomatoes. My mom loves these chopped with salt, purple basil, and olive oil. They are truly a treat for your palate and our bodies.

Here at VoHF, we also produce purple potatoes, purple onions, and purple basil. So at the recommendation of Katie, our wonderful Chief Operating Officer, I set out to research our benefits of our purple veggies. Please see the article here ( I found out that the purple end of the food spectrum are veggies rich in chemical called anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are a group of deep red, purple, and blue pigments found in plants, and are part of a larger category of chemicals called flavonoids. There are many health benefits associated with anthocyanins. They lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent neurological diseases, and slow cancer growth. As you can see, our bodies need the wonderful crops that we so lovingly grow and harvest for you.

Here at View of Heaven, we use many of our veggies in our baked goods as well. For example, purple onions are used in our focaccias and some of our purple produce, like our concord grapes, is a main ingredient in our grape jam. We encourage our wonderful VoHF friends and family to add more flavonoids and colorful fruits and vegetables to their diets. We are highly motivated to continue to grow colorful produce so that we can all be blessed with healthy and delicious meals. So I'm off to make my concord grape jelly sandwich.

Till next week, my veggie peeps!

Your farm writer, Victoria


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